29 September 2024
Labor’s plan for more housing and more services for Molonglo
ACT Labor welcomes the announcement from the Albanese Labor Government to declare Molonglo a Town Centre under the National Capital Plan.
The announcement support’s Labor’s Plan for a future Molonglo Town Centre which will include more housing, a new Molonglo Police Station, a Molonglo Library and Community Centre, a new Child and Family Centre and a flexible working hub for ACT Government employees to work closer to home.
Labor proposed this change to the Commonwealth and amended the Territory Plan to reflect this upgrade in status.
The endorsement of Labor’s housing policy is an early sign that our progressive, practical and proven plans for housing are already underway.
As one of Canberra’s fastest growing regions Molonglo will serve as our city’s sixth and newest town centre.
A future home to around 80,000 the Molonglo Valley will now be home to a Town Centre with more commercial services, more housing and public and community facilities that our growing city needs.
Attribute to Labor Spokesperson for Planning Chris Steel
It’s important that a future ACT Government implements well planned, practical, and proven policies to deliver the housing and services our growing population will need.
As part of our Labor’s plan to enable 30,000 new homes by 2030, the Molonglo Town Centre will have more well-located housing and major commercial and retail facilities through mixed use development, providing more housing options and services for Canberrans.
Statement ends
Media contact:
Kaarin Dynon 0422 772 215 [email protected]